
Variable types used to specify DSSAT file variables.

class tradssat.tmpl.var.CharacterVar(name, size, spc=1, sect=None, header_fill=' ', miss='-99', info='')[source]

Character (string) variable.


alias of builtins.str

class tradssat.tmpl.var.FloatVar(name, size, dec, lims=None, spc=1, sect=None, header_fill=' ', miss='-99', info='')[source]

Floating point (decimal) variable.


alias of builtins.float

class tradssat.tmpl.var.HeaderVariableSet(d_vars)[source]

Organiser for the allowed header variables of a DSSAT file type.

class tradssat.tmpl.var.IntegerVar(name, size, lims=None, spc=1, sect=None, header_fill=' ', miss='-99', info='')[source]

Integer (whole number) variable.


alias of

class tradssat.tmpl.var.NumericVar(name, size, lims, spc, header_fill, miss, sect, info)[source]

Parent class for numeric variable types.

class tradssat.tmpl.var.Variable(name, size, spc, header_fill, float_r, miss, sect, info)[source]

Parent class for all variable types.

class tradssat.tmpl.var.VariableSet(l_vars)[source]

Organiser for the allowed variables of a DSSAT file type.