Source code for tradssat.tmpl.var

import numpy as np

from .utils import _name_matches


[docs]class Variable(object): """ Parent class for all variable types. """ type_ = None def __init__(self, name, size, spc, header_fill, float_r, miss, sect, info): = name self.size = size self.spc = spc self.fill = header_fill self.float_r = float_r self.miss = miss = info self.sect = sect def write(self, val=None): fill = self.fill if val is None else ' ' if val is None: txt = str(self) else: if val == CODE_MISS: val = self.miss txt = self._write(val) if self.float_r: return ' ' * self.spc + txt.ljust(self.size, fill) return ' ' * self.spc + txt.rjust(self.size, fill) def check_val(self, val): raise NotImplementedError def _write(self, val): raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return str(
[docs]class CharacterVar(Variable): """ Character (string) variable. """ type_ = str def __init__(self, name, size, spc=1, sect=None, header_fill=' ', miss='-99', info=''): super().__init__(name, size, spc, header_fill, float_r=False, miss=miss, sect=sect, info=info) def check_val(self, val): if isinstance(val, str): if len(val) > self.size: raise ValueError( 'Value "{val}" is longer than {sz} characters for variable {name}.'.format( val=val, sz=self.size, name=self ) ) def _write(self, val): return val
[docs]class NumericVar(Variable): """ Parent class for numeric variable types. """ def __init__(self, name, size, lims, spc, header_fill, miss, sect, info): super().__init__(name, size, spc, header_fill, sect=sect, float_r=True, miss=miss, info=info) if lims is None: lims = (-np.inf, np.inf) lims = (-np.inf if lims[0] is None else lims[0], np.inf if lims[1] is None else lims[1]) self.lims = lims def check_val(self, val): val = np.array(val) out = np.where(np.logical_or(np.less(val, self.lims[0]), np.greater(val, self.lims[1]))) if out[0].size > 0: vals_out = val[out] raise ValueError( 'Value {val} is not in range {rng} for variable {name}.'.format(val=vals_out, name=self, rng=self.lims) ) def _write(self, val): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FloatVar(NumericVar): """ Floating point (decimal) variable. """ type_ = float def __init__(self, name, size, dec, lims=None, spc=1, sect=None, header_fill=' ', miss='-99', info=''): super().__init__(name, size, lims, spc, header_fill, miss=miss, sect=sect, info=info) self.dec = dec def _write(self, val): if val == self.miss: return '-99' # to avoid size overflow on small-sized variables with decimals # todo: clean txt_0 = str(val) space_req = len(txt_0.split('.')[0]) + 1 if txt_0.startswith('0') or txt_0.startswith('-0'): space_req -= 1 dec = min(self.dec, max(0, self.size - space_req)) txt = '{:{sz}.{dec}f}'.format(val, sz=self.size, dec=dec) if txt[0] == '0': txt = txt[1:] elif txt[:2] == '-0': txt = '-{}'.format(txt[2:]) return txt
[docs]class IntegerVar(NumericVar): """ Integer (whole number) variable. """ type_ = int def __init__(self, name, size, lims=None, spc=1, sect=None, header_fill=' ', miss='-99', info=''): super().__init__(name, size, lims, spc, header_fill, miss=miss, sect=sect, info=info) def _write(self, val): if val == self.miss: return '{:{sz}}'.format(val, sz=self.size) # to avoid problems with non-numeric missing value codes return '{:{sz}d}'.format(val, sz=self.size)
[docs]class VariableSet(object): """ Organiser for the allowed variables of a DSSAT file type. """ def __init__(self, l_vars): self._vars = l_vars def get_var(self, var, sect=None): try: return next( vr for vr in self._vars if str(vr) == var and _name_matches(vr.sect, sect, full=True) ) except StopIteration: if sect is None: msg = 'Variable {var} does not exist.'.format(var=var) else: msg = 'Variable {var} does not exist in section {sect}.'.format(var=var, sect=sect) raise ValueError(msg) def variables(self): return self._vars def __contains__(self, item): return any(str(vr) == str(item) for vr in self._vars) def __iter__(self): for vr in self._vars: yield vr
[docs]class HeaderVariableSet(object): """ Organiser for the allowed header variables of a DSSAT file type. """ def __init__(self, d_vars): self._vars = d_vars def matches(self, header): for hd in self._vars: match = _name_matches(hd, header) if match is not None: return match def get_vars(self, header): return next(self._vars[hd] for hd in self._vars if _name_matches(hd, header)) def get_var(self, var, sect=None): try: return next( vr for hd, vrs in self._vars.items() for vr in vrs if _name_matches(hd, sect) and var == str(vr) ) except StopIteration: raise ValueError('Variable {var} does not exist.'.format(var=var))