High-level interface

The high-level interface simplifies many tasks while working with DSSAT input and output files.

Input files

Each of these managers creates a more friendly interface to DSSAT files than that of the base input file reader.

Experiment file manager

DSSATRun allows you to read, edit and write experiments, with automatic access to referenced external soil, genetic and weather files. TraDSSAT will also automagically manage the link between DSSAT treatments and associated factor levels (if you don’t know what this means, now would be a great time to stop reading this and read the DSSAT docs instead).

from tradssat import DSSATRun

run = DSSATRun('path/to/my/experiment.EXP')

# Get cultivar for treatment 1
run.get_trt_val('INGENO', trt=1)

# Change level of treatment factor
run.set_trt_factor_level(trt=1, factor='CULTIVARS', level=2)

# Change value of a factor level (in this case cultivar type)
run.set_factor_level_val('INGENO', 'IB0067', level=1)

# Access soil variable SLLL for treatment 2
run.get_trt_val('SLLL', trt=2)

Genetic file manager

DSSAT’s crop modules generally split coefficients between cultivar, ecotype and species files. TraDSSAT provides a GeneticMgr class to automagically manage all genetic coefficients for a particular crop and cultivar type.

from tradssat import GeneticMgr

gen = GeneticMgr(crop='MZIXM', cult='PC0001')

# Returns P1 for MZIXM cultivar PC0001

# Returns ecotype variable TOPT for cultivar PC001


It is currently not possible to access species coefficients with traDSSAT, because these are in practice model constants and should not be written or changed (and, if they were, would also by default affect all future DSSAT simulations run on your DSSAT installation). More practically, they also come in a variety of formats and would be a pain to parse.

Soil file manager

Soil files can be hard to manage, since they can contain data for many different soils in the same file. With SoilMgr, simply pass the soil code and traDSSAT will find the correct file and file section.

from tradssat.mgrs import SoilMgr

soil_mgr = SoilMgr('IB00000005')

Weather file manager

Don’t feel like finding your weather file yourself? Just give the station code to WeatherFileMgr and let it find it for you.

from tradssat.mgrs import WeatherFileMgr

wth_mgr = WeatherFileMgr('ACNM')

Output files

You can access output from a run using a DSSATResults object instantiated with the output directory.

from tradssat import DSSATResults

out = DSSATResults('path/to/my/output/dir')

# Get FWAD results for treatment 1 (as a time series)
out.get_value('FWAD', trt=1)

# Get results at specific time

 # Get result at 13 days after start
out.get_value('FWAD', trt=1, t=13, at='DAS')

# Get result at 13 days after planting
out.get_value('FWAD', trt=1, t=13, at='DAP')

# Get result at 123th day of year 1989
out.get_value('FWAD', trt=1, t='1989 123', at='DOY')