Quick start


traDSSAT requires numpy and chardet to run. You can install it from pip with:
pip install tradssat
You can also install the most cutting-edge version directly from GitHub with:
pip install git+git://github.com/julienmalard/tradssat.git@master

You will need a local installation of DSSAT to use the high-level interface’s automatic file managers (since these will need to find soil, weather, and other files in the DSSAT installation directory). TraDSSAT should find your DSSAT installation by itself, but if it needs help you can specify it with:

from tradssat import set_dssat_dir

A quick example

from tradssat import SoilFile, WTHFile, ExpFile, set_dssat_dir
from tradssat import GeneticMgr, CULFile, ECOFile

# Read, edit and write soil files
soil = SoilFile('path/to/my/file.SOL')

# Read and write weather files as well
wth = WTHFile('path/to/my/WTHR0001.WTH')

# ...and experiment files!
exp = ExpFile('path/to/my/experiment.EXP')

# Access genetic coefficients by cultivar file or ecotype file
cul = CULFile('path/to/my/MZIXM.CUL')
eco = ECOFile('path/to/my/MZIXM.ECO')

cul.get_value('P1')  # returns array of all varieties' P1
eco.get_value('TOPT')  # returns array of all ecotypes' TOPT

# ...or automagically!
gen = GeneticMgr(crop='MZIXM', cult='PC0001')
gen.get_value('P1')  # Returns P1 for MZIXM cultivar PC0001
gen.get_value('TOPT')  # Returns ecotype variable TOPT for cultivar PC001